The Art and Science of BEing an ME

WellBEing and Trauma Healing Series

Are you ready for a transformative journey toward holistic healing, nervous system resilience, and authentic wellbeing? The Art and Science of BEing ME retreat series is a carefully designed program to help you release stored stress and trauma from your body, cultivate deep resilience, and create a sense of safety within your nervous system so you can reconnect with your true self, and thrive in all areas of your life.

WellBEing begins with learning how to BE well. In a world that prizes doing, going, and achieving, many of us struggle to simply BE. Society often prioritizes doing, achieving, and constant movement, leaving us anxious, overwhelmed, and disconnected. This is exhausting and unsustainable, taking a toll on our physical, mental, and emotional health.

At the core of the Art and Science of BEing ME is the belief that we are human BEings, not human doers. BEing is the natural, balanced state of your nervous system where you feel safe, grounded, and able to connect authentically with yourself and others. Neuroscience shows us that your body is not just a vessel for the mind—it’s the home of your nervous system. By tapping into your body’s innate wisdom, you can rewire your nervous system to build resilience, restore clarity, and nurture a lasting sense of wellbeing.

This retreat series offers powerful, body-based practices that release chronic pain, tension, and deeply held patterns of stress and trauma. Whether your goal is to feel more grounded, cultivate meaningful connections, manage stress more effectively, or heal from trauma, this series will help you unlock your body’s full potential and guide you toward thriving.

Contact me to discover how the Art and Science of BEing ME retreat series can be tailored to meet the unique needs of your group.

Let’s start your journey toward true wellBEing!


Contact MEgan to plan your healing retreat

You Deserve a BE ME Break:

Cultivating WellBEing 

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to get stuck in the cycle of constant "doing"—checking off tasks, managing responsibilities, and pushing yourself to keep up with life’s demands. But this constant action can leave you feeling anxious, disconnected, and overwhelmed. True healing and wellbeing don’t come from endless doing but from finding balance—in the art of BEing.

Introducing BE ME Breaks, a powerful tool for cultivating resilience and wellBEing. BE ME stands for the Body, Emotional, Mental, and Essence realms of your BEing. These simple yet transformative practices are rooted in neuroscience, revealing that true healing doesn’t happen by just thinking your way through stress or trauma—your body is integral to how you experience and heal from life. By engaging in these somatic practices, you can restore balance, release stored tension, and cultivate a deep sense of calm.

Discover how the BE ME framework helps rewire your nervous system, promoting a grounded, relaxed presence that allows you to thrive. Whether you’re looking to heal from trauma, manage stress, or simply reconnect with yourself, BE ME Breaks offer the space to reset and find the peace and resilience your body is craving.

This is your invitation to take a well-deserved break, honor your body’s wisdom, and reclaim your wellBEing.



Rewrite Your Story

Embodying Authentic Alignment

Authentic Alignment is about living in harmony with your true self—where your actions, values, and goals are fully integrated, creating a foundation for genuine well-being and resilience. This session goes beyond surface-level change; it teaches you how to embody Authentic Alignment by bringing your whole self—gut, heart, and mind—into balance.

By tapping into the power of the body, you can rewire your nervous system, shifting from states of stress and survival into safety, presence, and connection. This practice enables you to release stored trauma, outdated belief systems, and embodied tension, allowing you to show up authentically in every area of your life.

In this transformative session, you’ll learn how to physically embody confidence, openness, and connection. Through body-based practices, you’ll cultivate nervous system resilience, communicate trust and support, and foster deeper, more authentic connections with yourself and others. Authentic alignment isn't just a concept—it's a way of BEing that empowers you to navigate life’s complexities with clarity, resilience, and compassion.

Step into your true potential, align with your authentic self, and thrive in every situation.



Break through Barriers in Your Body and your Healing Journey

The stress and overwhelm of daily life create both physical and emotional barriers that keep us from truly thriving. Breaking Barriers is designed to release chronic patterns of stress, tension, and trauma stored in the body, which can affect your ability to feel grounded, connected, and resilient.

This series introduces practices that help you break through physical and emotional holding patterns tied to past challenges, failures, or traumas. By realigning the body and restoring balance, strength, and nervous system support, you'll experience a profound shift in your overall wellbeing. The body language of Breaking Barriers opens up new pathways for healing, connection, and resilience in both your personal and professional life.

When you experience embodied safety, your nervous system becomes more flexible and adaptive. This allows you to show up in your life with confidence, authenticity, and greater emotional resilience.

Explore the 3 key areas of Breaking Barriers:

  • Heart and Hip Opening: Release stored tension, foster emotional openness, and restore a sense of ease and connection.
  • Balancing Your Back Body: Build physical and emotional support, alleviating tension and promoting a sense of grounding.
  • Core Connection: Strengthen your inner foundation, aligning your body and nervous system for greater resilience and wellbeing.

Discover how Breaking Barriers can support your healing and help you thrive—body, mind, and soul. 


Thrive vs. Survive

Somatic Practices for Nervous System Resilience and WellBEing

True wellbeing isn’t just about surviving—it’s about thriving. In today’s fast-paced world, many of us operate in survival mode, constantly reacting to stress and overwhelm. But to live fully and authentically, we must learn to shift into states of calm, connection, and resilience.

In this transformative series, you’ll harness the innate wisdom of your body to move from survival to thriving. Using science-backed somatic practices, we’ll help you downshift your nervous system from stress to safety, cultivating a sense of groundedness, vitality, and inner peace. These simple yet powerful techniques are designed to release stored tension, trauma, and stress from your body, unlocking the resilience and energy you need to thrive.

By integrating these micro-practices into your daily life, you’ll experience profound shifts in how you manage stress, connect with yourself and others, and navigate challenges. Move from doing to BEing—experience a life of clarity, presence, and authentic self-expression.

Let's explore how these somatic practices can help you reclaim your resilience and wellbeing.

Contact me today to learn more about theThrive vs. Survive series and how it can be customized for your unique journey toward healing and growth.



 Embodied Inquiry

Live Life With The Whole of Your BEing

True wellbeing and healing require more than just mental clarity—they demand a deep alignment of body, mind, and intuition. Many of us feel stuck, caught in cycles of overthinking or anxiety, searching for direction without fully understanding how to move forward. Embodied Inquiry offers a powerful way to engage your whole BEing—integrating your gut, heart, and mind to foster deeper healing and clarity.

In this transformative session, you’ll learn how to tap into the innate wisdom of your body to address life’s biggest challenges. Through mindful movement, body postures, and expressive practices, you’ll unlock new insights into personal growth, stress management, and healing from trauma. Whether you’re seeking resilience, deeper self-connection, or clarity on how to move forward, Embodied Inquiry empowers you to leverage the full intelligence of your body to heal and thrive.

This approach helps you make authentic, aligned decisions that support both your personal wellBEing and your relationships—allowing you to move through life with more confidence, clarity, and connection to your authentic self.



Shake Off Embodied Stress and Trauma with TRE®

Are you carrying the weight of stress, tension, or trauma in your body? The pressures of life can take a toll, leading to chronic tension, anxiety, and even burnout. In this powerful session, you’ll experience the transformative effects of Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®), a proven method designed to release deeply embedded stress and restore balance to your nervous system.

TRE® harnesses your body’s natural tremor mechanism to release tension stored in your muscles and nervous system, promoting relaxation, clarity, and greater resilience. For anyone seeking nervous system healing, this practice offers a gentle yet profound way to shake off the stress and emotional strain that builds up over time, helping you reclaim your sense of calm and wellbeing.

Why TRE®?
TRE® helps rewire your nervous system by activating neurogenic tremors, a process that supports the release of stored trauma. Similar to the benefits associated with psychedelics like ayahuasca, psilocybin, and MDMA, TRE® can facilitate neuroplasticity and emotional regulation—without the need for external substances. It works with your body’s innate ability to heal, promoting deep nervous system regulation and a sense of inner peace.

Important Note:
Participation in the full BE ME series is essential before engaging in TRE® to ensure safety, self-resourcing skills, and the ability to process the emotional release effectively. Those who incorporate TRE® into their routine often report heightened focus, emotional regulation, and a deeper connection to their authentic selves. 


Contact MEgan to plan your healing retreat

Megan has been the most insightful, perceptive, gracious and effective coach/healer/therapist I have worked with. She has helped me transform my body/mind relationship, calm my nerves through development of new skill sets, and helped me untangle the places in my life where I have felt stuck. She has all the tools to help one become stronger, at peace, and the best, most clear-headed version of themself. For me, the process with her has eclipsed anything that talk therapy and personal coaching could ever achieve. Megan is a gift to the world.

Tess D.

 As a client who came to Megan struggling with both chronic pain and PTSD, I can attest that she has every capacity to support and promote healing for her clients. Megan skillfully weaves listening, teaching, hands-on work, guidance and feedback to empower clients to integrate new techniques to achieve their best health, from physical to psychological to spiritual. She is both a kind and a fierce advocate for her clients' wellbeing, and I cannot recommend working with her strongly enough. You will be glad you did.

Cate D

I recommend working with Megan because personally, my life has gotten a whole lot easier now that I've given myself the attention and tools to work with it. The things I thought were problems have since resolved themselves or fallen into place and the feelings of stress and anxiety I've felt in recent years feels like it has been replaced with trust and gratitude in a way that no other work I've done on myself has helped me achieve. There's no greater gift than remembering who we truly are, honoring the bodies that got us here, reclaiming our stories and our power, and learning the tools to support us to live fulfilling lives. Thank you for being my guide Megan!

Lacy K