The Art and Neuroscience of BEing an Authentic Leader

Keynote and Training Series

In today’s world of disconnection, remote work, multitasking, and rising anxiety, the call for authentic leadership is more crucial than ever. Authentic leadership is about leading from a place of deep self-awareness, integrity, and vulnerability, creating a foundation of trust and collaboration. In this chaotic landscape, people are searching for connection and clarity, and authentic leadership offers the path forward.

The foundation of the Bodywise approach is the belief that we are human BEings, not human doers. BEing is the natural state of our nervous system where we feel safe in ourselves, and able to connect authentically with others. Neuroscience proves the body is not just a vehicle for the mind, but the home of the nervous system. Therefore to BEcoME authentic leaders we need to do more than simply talk about it, we need to get out of our heads, and into our bodies to cultivate "BEingness".

The Art and Neuroscience of BEing an Authentic Leader teaches clients to tap the power and wisdom of their body to rewire their nervous systems, and rewrite their leadership story from stress and overwhelm to calm and relational leadership. This is the foundation of creating an environment of psychological safety, emotional availability, open communication, and vulnerability, fostering trust, compassion, collaboration, innovation and a thriving team. 

I offer 90 minute Keynote speeches, customized leadership trainings, and retreats.


Contact MEgan to discuss a keynote or training

You Deserve a BE ME Break:

Cultivating Well-BEing for Authentic Leadership

In the fast-paced world of leadership, it’s easy to fall into the trap of constant "doing"—pursuing goals, managing teams, and multitasking. While these traits are often celebrated, they leave leaders feeling anxious, disconnected, and overwhelmed. True leadership thrives not in constant action, but in balance—in the art of BEing.

This session introduces BE ME Breaks as a leadership tool for cultivating resilience and well-being. BE ME stands for Body, Emotional, Mental, and Essence realms of our BEing. These micro-practices are rooted in neuroscience, demonstrating that we can’t shift our minds with our minds alone; the body is integral to how we experience the world. By regularly engaging the body in somatic practices, leaders can enhance self-regulation, make clearer decisions, and lead with greater authenticity.

Learn how the BE ME framework rewires the nervous system, promoting a calm, grounded presence that fosters high performance without sacrificing well-being. Leaders who take BE ME Breaks unlock their potential to thrive—leading themselves and their teams from a state of balanced BEingness.



Rewrite Your Leadership Style:

Embodying Authentic (Leadership) Alignment

Authentic leadership is about leading from a place of alignment—where your actions, values, and goals are fully integrated. This session teaches Authentic Alignment, the foundation for well-being and leadership presence. It’s more than just "good posture"; it's a way of showing up with your whole self—gut, heart, and head—in harmony.

By tapping into the power of the body, leaders can physically embody confidence, integrity, and presence. You’ll explore how to embody alignment through body language that communicates trust, openness, and support, fostering deeper connections with teams and stakeholders. This practice not only shifts the nervous system from stress to safety but also rewires outdated belief patterns, allowing leaders to show up authentically in every situation.

Leaders who embody alignment exude the clarity, resilience, and compassion necessary for today’s complex business environments.



Break through Barriers in Your Body and your Leadership Challenges

The pressures of leadership often create both physical and emotional barriers that prevent leaders from showing up fully. Breaking Barriers focuses on releasing chronic patterns of stress and tension stored in the body that impact decision-making, creativity, and leadership presence.

This session teaches practices that help leaders break through the physical and emotional holding patterns tied to past challenges, failures, or traumas. By realigning the body and fostering balance, strength, and support, leaders will notice a profound shift in their leadership style. The body language of Breaking Barriers opens up new pathways for connection, empathy, and resilience in the boardroom.

When leaders experience embodied safety, they become more flexible, adaptive, and courageous in their decision-making—leading with confidence and authenticity.

You can learn more about the 3 sub-categories of Breaking Barriers here: Heart and Hip Opening, Balancing your Back Body, Core Connection



Thrive vs. Survive: Somatic Practices for Resilience and Success

Leadership today requires more than just problem-solving—it requires presence, connection, and resilience. Many leaders operate in survival mode, but to truly thrive, they need to cultivate states of calm, clarity, and connectedness.

In this session, leaders will tap into the power of their body’s wisdom to shift from a state of stress and overwhelm to one of safety, groundedness, and vitality. The Thrive vs. Survive practices integrate simple, science-backed somatic techniques to downshift the nervous system, fostering more presence, energy, and creativity. Leaders who embrace these practices discover a new way of BEing that enhances their capacity to lead from a place of strength, connection, and authentic expression.

By incorporating these micro-practices into daily routines, leaders cultivate the resilience needed to thrive in challenging environments—moving from doing to BEing, from surviving to thriving.



 Embodied Inquiry: Lead with the Whole of Your BEing

Great leadership requires not only vision but also deep clarity and intuition. Leaders often feel stuck, overthinking or analyzing situations without clear direction. Embodied Inquiry offers a way to engage the whole BEing—gut, heart, and head aligned—to make decisions and explore challenges more holistically.

In this session, leaders will learn how to use their bodies to explore life’s biggest questions and organizational challenges. By moving, posing, and holding their body in expressive ways, leaders will gain insights into complex issues, whether it’s strategic planning, team dynamics, or personal growth. Embodied Inquiry helps leaders cultivate deep awareness, clarity, and confidence in decision-making by leveraging the full intelligence of the body.

This approach leads to authentic, value-driven decisions that align with both personal and organizational goals—enabling leaders to move forward with certainty and integrity.



Shake Off Embodied Stress and Trauma with TRE®

Leaders carry significant stress and, at times, trauma from the pressures of their roles. This can manifest as chronic tension, anxiety, or burnout, which limits their ability to lead effectively. In this optional session, participants will experience the powerful effects of Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®), a practice designed to release deep-seated stress and restore balance.

TRE® uses the body's natural tremor mechanism to release tension stored in the nervous system, promoting relaxation, clarity, and resilience. For leaders, this process can help unwind the stress and pressure that accumulates over time, creating space for more authentic leadership and renewed energy.

Participation in the full BE ME series is essential before engaging in TRE® to ensure safety and self-resourcing skills are in place. Leaders who integrate TRE® into their routine often report enhanced focus, emotional regulation, and a deeper sense of connection to their purpose and team.

Research suggests that TRE's neurogenic tremors share some common mechanisms with psychedelics, such as ayahuasca, psilocybin, MDMA, and ketamine particularly in their effects on neuroplasticity and emotional regulation. TRE facilitates the release of stored trauma and promote nervous system regulation by engaging the body in ways that induce a reorganization of neural pathways.  


Contact MEgan to discuss a keynote or training

Megan has been the most insightful, perceptive, gracious and effective coach/healer/therapist I have worked with. She has helped me transform my body/mind relationship, calm my nerves through development of new skill sets, and helped me untangle the places in my life where I have felt stuck. She has all the tools to help one become stronger, at peace, and the best, most clear-headed version of themself. For me, the process with her has eclipsed anything that talk therapy and personal coaching could ever achieve. Megan is a gift to the world.

Tess D.

 As a client who came to Megan struggling with both chronic pain and PTSD, I can attest that she has every capacity to support and promote healing for her clients. Megan skillfully weaves listening, teaching, hands-on work, guidance and feedback to empower clients to integrate new techniques to achieve their best health, from physical to psychological to spiritual. She is both a kind and a fierce advocate for her clients' wellbeing, and I cannot recommend working with her strongly enough. You will be glad you did.

Cate D

I recommend working with Megan because personally, my life has gotten a whole lot easier now that I've given myself the attention and tools to work with it. The things I thought were problems have since resolved themselves or fallen into place and the feelings of stress and anxiety I've felt in recent years feels like it has been replaced with trust and gratitude in a way that no other work I've done on myself has helped me achieve. There's no greater gift than remembering who we truly are, honoring the bodies that got us here, reclaiming our stories and our power, and learning the tools to support us to live fulfilling lives. Thank you for being my guide Megan!

Lacy K