Breaking Barriers: Balancing Your Back

Breaking Barriers part 2 – Balancing Your Back builds on the work we began in Module 4, where we focused on heart and hip opening. Now, we turn our attention to the back body—a critical area that often gets overlooked but is essential for creating true strength, stability, balance, and alignment.

In today’s world, so much of our daily activity happens in front of us—whether it’s sitting at a computer, driving, or even just looking at our phones. This constant forward orientation causes the front of our bodies to tighten and close in, while our back bodies become weak and underutilized. The result? Imbalance, poor posture, and a host of physical discomforts.

Balancing your back body is about more than just physical strength—it’s about reclaiming your power, both physically and emotionally. When we strengthen the back body, we counteract those front body restrictions, building postural strength that improves our overall function. When your body is in alignment, everything works better. You might notice increased energy, relief from chronic pain, and even a reduction in the risk of injury or degenerative changes.

But this module isn’t just about the physical. Emotionally and mentally, we tend to carry our stress and trauma by closing in, protecting our hearts, and collapsing under the weight of our experiences. We often fall into the habit of being on our toes, literally leaning forward into life, sacrificing our own truth, and not fully supporting ourselves. As you work through this module, you’ll be unwinding these embodied patterns of worn-out beliefs, trauma, and self-protection.

By balancing your back body, you’re not just improving your posture—you’re developing strength in your BEingness, creating balance in your life, and building the internal support that allows you to move through the world with confidence. This work is about learning to trust yourself, to truly have your own back, both physically and metaphorically.

In this module, you will be learning Superman, Squats, and Scapular Strengthening. These exercises are challenging, but you're worth the effort. This is where you begin to feel and believe in your own strength, proud to express your true self as you embody the alignment of who you are.

Balancing your back body is about developing strength in your BEingness