BE ME breaks are like meditation on a supercharger!

Our modern world values doing, achieving, and multitasking, often at the expense of simply being. This constant state of striving leaves us feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and disconnected from ourselves. It’s not sustainable, and it negatively impacts our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. We are human BEings, not human DOers, and it’s critical that we cultivate a state of BEingness to thrive rather than merely survive.

BE ME is an acronym for the Body, EmotionalMental and Essence realms of your experience.

When you take a BE ME break, and embody authentic alignment, you're harnessing the power of your whole BEing, gut heart and head aligned on the same team. These small, simple actions have a powerful impact on the nervous system because they interrupt the cycle of chronic tension, allowing your body to reset and build resilience over time. By giving your BE ME breaks consistently, 1-2 minutes 5 x / day help re-wire your nervous system, and re-write your story from one of stress, anxiety, depression, fear, or overwhelm, to one of feeling safe, grounded, connected, and present, more adaptable to stress and better equipped to handle life’s challenges with a sense of ease and balance.

Use these free BE ME phone wallpapers as an invitation to take a BE ME break.

Come home to yourself, align your body, and shift your mindset, so you can LIVE the next moment intentionally, and authentically.

Your phone is in your hand, constantly demanding and dividing your attention with every text, email, call, game, app, news...

 Why not use it as a tool to intentionally cultivate BEingness, rather than an instrument of distraction that creates anxiety and overwhelm?

In a world that rewards going, doing, achieving, performing, producing, and fitting in, BE ME breaks are the antidote. 

Directions on adding wallpaper and how to video below.

BEing AWE-some ME 

I open my eyes to wonder.

I seek moments that move me—where music, nature, and human connection send chills down my spine.

I celebrate the mystery, the beauty, and the unexpected magic in everyday life.

I pause to take it all in.

I let AWE expand my heart, shift my perspective, and remind me that I am part of something bigger.

I welcome surprises, the deep exhales, the moments that make me feel truly alive.

AWE isn’t just how I feel—it’s my way of BEing.

Bring on the goose bumps!

BEing auspicious ME  =

"BEing a sign of future success"




full of promise


Way to show up!


BEing badass ME


show up for myself.

I live with integrity.

I trusting my gut.

I following my heart.

I standing up for myself and others.

speak up for what’s right

...even when it’s hard, or I feel small


I've got this!

BEing creative ME

I don’t need to “do” anything to create.

Creativity arises when I am simply BEing

authentically ME

in alignment with my truth,

attuned to my feelings,

and responsive to my instincts.

What will I create next?...

BEing curious ME 


I feel grounded and safe in myself.

I approach life, and other BEings






I'm deeply moved to learn and understand.


Be curious, not judgmental.

- Walt Whitman

BEing determined ME 


I’ll remain committed to

what I know in my gut,

and feel in my heart

 are the right actions and choices

no matter the obstacles...


I'm worth it!


“Those who walk with unswerving determination are sure to reach Nirvana” 

- Buddha

BEing essential ME



I BElieve in, and BElong to myself.


My essence is my fundamental, 

requisite, indispensable character... 

my “ME-mess”!


I shake off old beliefs that don’t feel right. 

I live in alignment with my core truth.

I trust my gut.

I lead with my heart.

I follow my instincts.


High-Fiving myself! 

BEing free ME


feel safe to simply BE myself.


I'm aligned and connected.

I trust my instincts.

I live from my truth.

I'm unrestrained by “shoulds”, expectations, 

and belief systems that do not 

feel wholeheartedly right and true to me.


When I feel FREE to BE ME, 

my unique spirit shines though.


I’m gonna let my little light shine!

BEing grateful ME 

I cultivate, harvest, and relish gratitude.

I don’t just notice it with my mind— I feel it in my bones...

My appreciation for the BEings and experiences that shape my journey 

Warms my heart

Expands my mind

Deepens my breath, and 
Saturates every cell of my BEing...

I plant this felt sense deep within me, creating fertile ground for growth and authentic connection.

It's a balm for my nervous system - anchoring me in presence, connection, and joy.

Gratitude isn’t a place I visit—it’s how I show up in the world.

BEing interospective ME


I prioritize time to check in with my 

gut, heart, and head.

I curiously explore my feelings.

I compassionately notice my challenges.

I graciously attune to my needs.

I’m learning to trust my instincts.

I courageously act in alignment with what I know is true,

and right, regardless of other's opinions, or expectations.


I BElieve my authentic BEing ripples 

goodness into the world...



BEing confident ME


I BElieve in myself.

 I trust my gut.

I follow my heart.

I speak my truth.

I feel strong in the whole of my BEing.

I “show up” for myself.

I feel the rightness of BEing authentic ME. 

I’m in flow state.

I trust the unfolding of the next moment.

I’m BEing a change agent for good.


I deserve a superhero cape! 



BEing courageous ME


I wholeheartedly show up for myself.


I listen to that little voice within that tells me what’s right, or wrong.

I stand up for what I believe.

I’m willing to go against the grain,

and make my own path,

I trust my self to leap into the unknown because there’s 

no other other choice than to 

BE authentically ME.


I’m spreading my wings!


How do I do a BE ME Break?

In this video I share more about why BE ME breaks are so powerful, and show you exactly how to embody your  authentic alignment. 


How to add these images as Your Phone Wallpaper...

iPhone Users:

1. Open this page on your phone.

2. Hold your finger down on the image until the option to save to photos pops up and click "Save to Photos." 

3. Go to your settings, and scroll down to wallpaper. 

4. Click add new wallpaper

5. Select photos, and choose your new BE ME invitation. Click add in the top right.

6. Click customize home screen. select photos, choose the same or different BE ME wallpaper. Click "Done" in the top right corner. 

7. Finally, remove all your apps off your home screen to page

Now when you open your phone you have a calming invitation to pause and BE ME,  then thoughtfully choose to the next thing you want to "do" ......


Android Users:

1. Open this page on your phone.

2. Hold your finger down on the image until the option to "Download image"  to save a copy to your phone. The image is saved to your download folder.

3.On the Home screen, touch and hold an empty space.

4. Tap Wallpapers

5. Select a category to find wallpaper options. To use one of your own photos as your wallpaper, choose My photos.

6. Select the image.

7. Tap "Set Wallpaper"

8.Choose where you want to see this wallpaper.

Home screen: The wallpaper shows when you unlock your phone.

Lock screen: The wallpaper shows when your phone is locked.

Home screen and lock screen: You’ll see the same wallpaper when your phone is locked or unlocked.

9. Lastly, remove all your apps off your home screen to page

Now when you open your phone you have a calming invitation to pause and BE ME,  then thoughtfully choose to the next thing you want to "do" ......