The Art and Science of BEing ME

8 week in-person class series  

Join me for a transformative journey of growth, healing, and connection to self with this 8 week in-person class series.  Our focus is on cultivating safety and resiliency in your nervous system, and releasing stored trauma from your body so you can BE your true self, and thrive in every aspect of your life.

Each week you will learn a variety of practices that tap the wisdom and power of your body to re-wire your nervous system, releasing chronic pain, tension, and holding patterns related to embodied physical, mental and emotional trauma.

You’ll feel empowered to re-write your story from one of stress, anxiety, poor sleep, physical pain, digestive issues, auto-immune disorders, or addiction, to one of feeling safe, grounded, connected, calm, strong, pain free, present, energized, and alive.

Whether you’re looking to feel more clear, connected, and empowered in your own journey, create deeper interpersonal connections, or become a more effective and authentic leader, your body holds the key to thriving at your highest potential. 

it's core work for your soul

Wednesdays 6:30-7:45, January 8th - February 26th, 2025 

Class size is limited to 15 people


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Week 1 

 You Deserve a BE ME Break

Wellbeing begins with “BEing” well. Unfortunately most of us struggle with simply BEing. We’ve learned to normalize, and value going, doing, multi-tasking, and achieving. This approach to life leaves us feeling anxious, overwhelmed, disconnected, and exhausted. It’s not sustainable, and it negatively impacts our physical, mental, and emotional health. Bottom line: We are human BEings not human DOers. The time is critical that we cultivate BEingness for our individual health, and humanity as a whole so we can thrive vs merely survive.

How do we do this? By taking BE ME Breaks! BE ME stands for Body, Emotional, Mental, and Essence realms of our being. This session introduces the BE ME framework which offers a simple, yet clear and compassionate understanding of the nervous system as the foundation of our feelings, sensations, behaviors and experiences.  

We cannot shift our minds with our minds alone. Neuroscience is proving the body is more than a brain taxi! 80% of the nervous system lives in the body. As human BEings, our super power is to cultivate safety in our BEingness through the body.

This week you’ll learn the BE ME framework, which is based on Polyvagal Theory, and acts as a roadmap for creating your YOUnique BE ME Break ritual.These micro-breaks work like mindfulness meditation with a super charger because you're tapping the power and wisdom of your whole BEing; gut, heart, and head on the same team! Creating a BE ME Break ritual for 2 minutes 5 x/day is a powerfully effective way to re-wire your nervous system, and re-write your story so you can thrive at your highest potential. 


Week 2

 Rewrite Your Story: The Body Language of Authentic Alignment

Authentic Alignment is the foundation for your physical emotional, mental, and spiritual wellBEing.Today we begin to tap the superpower of your body as we physically embody Authentic Alignment. This is a so much more than "good posture". We are talking big picture alignment of the gut, heart, and head. Not only does it maximize the health of your muscles, tendons, and joints to be aligned, balanced, and supported, but these are metaphors of how we want to show up as BEings.

Next we focus on the body language of Authentic Alignment. When we embody Authentic Alignment, we are telling the story that we are worth coming home to, listening to, connecting with, and standing up for. We are expressing to ourselves, (including our “younger self”), and the world, that we feel safe, connected to our core truth, balanced, supported, and have our own back. This allows us to open our heart, speak our truth, and hold our head high, "showing up” committed our whole self. You’ll feel how tapping the wisdom of your own body helps you downshift and re-wire your nervous system, dissolve old belief patterns, shift your mindset, and moment to moment experiences.

Finally we integrate our connection and alignment as a human BEings to the universal imperatives of Safety, Love, Connection, Truth, Integrity, Wholeness, Rightness, BEingness, BElonging, Worthiness, Freedom, Empowerment, and Harmony.



Week 3

 Break through Barriers in Your Body and in Your Life

Breaking Barriers creates the foundational shift in your body that helps you rewire your nervous system, and rewrite your story.

Yes, it’s true that The Body Keeps the Score! It’s also true that your body is your superpower, and the key to creating the change you want to see and feel in your life. This week, you'll learn practices that help you break through chronic pain and holding patterns related to physical, mental, and emotional traumas that get held in the body.  

You’ll feel how Breaking Barries practices shift your BEing in every realm of the BE ME framework. In the body realm, the goal is to open, balance, strengthen, support, and align the body, reversing forward postural habits. This helps you move past pain and restriction, so you can physically embody Authentic Alignment and the full expression of who you are. You’ll also notice how the body language, and intention of these movements down-shifts your nervous system, and improves your experience in the mental, emotional, and essence realms of your BEing.

Breaking Barriers practices re-wire your nervous system by creating an embodied, felt sense of safety, support, balance, flexibility stability, strength, and alignment... notice the metaphors. Integrating these practices into your routine will help you unwind and overcome chronic pain and embodied holding patterns related to a lifetime of stress and trauma responses.

You can learn more about the 3 sub-categories of Breaking Barriers here: Heart and Hip OpeningBalancing your Back BodyCore Connection



Week 4

 Learn to Thrive vs Survive

Are you craving feeling more calm, connected, alive, and present?

Thrive vs Survive practices work like mindfulness meditation on a supercharger because you're using your whoie BEing; gut heart and head on the same team. It's so much more accessible, and effective than trying to change your mindset with your mind alone... 

In this session you'll tap the power and wisdom of your body to help you Thrive vs Survive. You’ll feel how these simple, body-driven, mind-shifting, scientifically proven practices downshift and re-wire your nervous system from feeling stress, anxiety, depression, and overwhelm, to one of feeling safe, grounded, connected, calm, present, open, energized and alive you experience more living, BEing and thriving vs doing and surviving

Each of the Thrive vs Survive practices is an invitation, and an opportunity to BE with yourself, listen, connect, contact, be curious, care, discover, attune to, and love yourself. This is how you build foundational resiliency; by building foundational safety. 



Week 5

 Embodied Inquiry: Live Your Life Through the Whole of Your BEing

Tired of perseverating, spinning thoughts, or anxiety about what to do next? Your mind doesn’t have to figure things out alone. Get out of your head and tap the power of your body's wisdom to explore life’s themes. Listen and FEEL into “the next right thing” with the whole of your BEing; gut, heart, and head on the same team. 
Think of Embodied Inquiry as Authentic Alignment in action. It’s about contacting, moving, posing, and holding your body in ways that are expressive. You'll learn how to use your body to explore life’s themes, and answer big questions in every realm of your experience, ie love, freedom, giving, boundaries, receiving, forward momentum, manifesting, and wholeheartedness.
Embodied Inquiry is so powerful because you’re exploring with the whole of your BEing; gut, heart, and head aligned on the same team, tapping your intuition, and inherent wisdom. No more relying on your mind alone to “figure things out.” Instead, Embodied Inquiry brings awareness, clarity and a deep felt sense knowingness about what’s authentic, true and right for you in any situation. With this clear perspective, you have the power of choice to do the next right thing in every moment.


Week 6-8


Shake Off Embodied Stress and Trauma with TRE®

TRE® is such a powerful practice! Over these last 3 weeks, you'll learn to induce an innate tremor reflex that all mammals share. Think about how a dog shakes it off. You can too! TRE® tremors help release deep-seated stress and trauma that's been stored on your body and nervous system, leading to a state of relaxation and rejuvenation. It is critical that this practice is done only when there had been a foundational sense of safety established, and you have embodied self-resourcing skills. Participation in the above series is a pre-requisite for these classes.

Using your body as our guide, we travel the throughline of your life history that has been held in your nervous system. As the TRE tremor reflex moves through your body, it's like letting the water out of a stream, and revealing where the boulders lie... It will bring up memories, and emotions offering you the opportunity to witness, unwind, and release traumatic experiences your system has held onto. From this place of safety and resource we have created, you are able to recognize that there have been traumas that happened to you, but they do not define who you are. This process re-wires your nervous system, restoring balance and harmony to your body and mind, and empowering you to re-write your moment to moment experience in Authentic Alignment with the core truth of who you are.

Research suggests that TRE's neurogenic tremors share some common mechanisms with psychedelics, such as ayahuasca, psilocybin, MDMA, and ketamine particularly in their effects on neuroplasticity and emotional regulation. TRE facilitates the release of stored trauma and promote nervous system regulation by engaging the body in ways that induce a reorganization of neural pathways. These 3 final classes will allow you to experience the profound effects of Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises TRE®, and potentially help you create a home practice.  


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Megan has been the most insightful, perceptive, gracious and effective coach/healer/therapist I have worked with. She has helped me transform my body/mind relationship, calm my nerves through development of new skill sets, and helped me untangle the places in my life where I have felt stuck. She has all the tools to help one become stronger, at peace, and the best, most clear-headed version of themself. For me, the process with her has eclipsed anything that talk therapy and personal coaching could ever achieve. Megan is a gift to the world.

Tess D.

 As a client who came to Megan struggling with both chronic pain and PTSD, I can attest that she has every capacity to support and promote healing for her clients. Megan skillfully weaves listening, teaching, hands-on work, guidance and feedback to empower clients to integrate new techniques to achieve their best health, from physical to psychological to spiritual. She is both a kind and a fierce advocate for her clients' wellbeing, and I cannot recommend working with her strongly enough. You will be glad you did.

Cate D

I recommend working with Megan because personally, my life has gotten a whole lot easier now that I've given myself the attention and tools to work with it. The things I thought were problems have since resolved themselves or fallen into place and the feelings of stress and anxiety I've felt in recent years feels like it has been replaced with trust and gratitude in a way that no other work I've done on myself has helped me achieve. There's no greater gift than remembering who we truly are, honoring the bodies that got us here, reclaiming our stories and our power, and learning the tools to support us to live fulfilling lives. Thank you for being my Guide, Megan.

Lacy K