Recover from trauma.

Reclaim your truth.

Regain your personal power.

Restore your trust in yourself.

Resolve any limitations.


Whether you’re looking to feel more clear and empowered in your own journey, become a more authentic, effective leader, create deeper interpersonal connections, overcome anxiety, depression, or addictive behaviors, relieve chronic pain, improve your sleep and boost your immunity, your body holds the key to BE • LIVE • LEAD • THRIVE at your highest potential.



Coach with MEgan

Good to meet you!

I'm MEgan. 

I help people Cultivate BEingness…     

BEingness is the gear of our nervous system we live in when we sense foundational safety. It’s the antidote to anxiety, and feeling stuck in our survival nervous system. BEing doesn’t mean sitting around in zen meditation doing nothing.  It’s about LIVING LIFE, fully present in every realm, connected, and Authentically Aligned with the core truth of who you are.

I’ve synthesized 35 years of experience as a  physical therapist with training in interpersonal neurobiologysomatic psychology, (IFS-Internal Family SystemsHakomiRCS), The Resiliency ToolkitTrauma Release Exercise, and Embodiment Coaching, to create my framework; The Art and Science of BEing ME.

BE ME stands for the Body Emotional Mental and Essence realms of our BEing. I help my clients tap the innate power and wisdom of their bodies with somatic micro-practices and body language to cultivate BEingness in each of these realms.

Your BODY is your SUPER POWER!

80% of the nervous system (vagus nerve) lives in the body, and is constantly sending essential information up to the brain to regulate our body's systems, including our mindset. The trouble is, our brain filters this information through our past experiences looking for danger. If we have had any stress or trauma, like we all have, we are likely responding from our survival nervous system more often than we need to.

Think of your mind as a scared child trying desperately to figure everything out. It can’t do it alone...

That’s why using the body to shift the mindset is such a game changer! I coach my clients to embody Authentic Alignment. The body language of having your gut, heart, and head on the same team works like meditation with a turbo charger because you are tapping the power of your whole BEing.

When you cultivate BEingness, you feel safe to bring your authentic self to everything you do.

This is where the magic happens...

You show up fully present in every moment, with a palpable and magnetic energy that naturally attracts authentic connections

These connections feed back into your own sense of alignment and deepens your BEingness.

You have the clarity and confidence to trust your gut, follow your heart, speak your truth, and hold your head high.

Your intuition is spot on.

You don't perseverate about decisions, rather you experience a felt sense of "rightness" 

You feel deeply resourced and empowered, with a clear sense of inner strength.

You surf the edge of each moment, trusting the unfolding of your life, knowing you will choose the next right thing.

You find yourself manifesting, effortlessly attracting and creating the things you desire.

You experience a heightened state of flow, where everything feels in sync and aligned with your true purpose.

You creates a ripple effect spreading safety, compassion, curiosity and love with every interaction —

You BEcoME the change we all want and need in our world.

This state of BEingness is more than possible... it’s inherently who you are.


You Deserve a "BE ME Break!"

BE ME breaks are a somatic micro-practice that wire in a felt sense of safety, love, connection, wholeness, and belonging in our bodies. This quickly down-shifts the nervous system from survival mode to a of state of BEing, allowing us to trust our instincts, and live open hearted with courageous vulnerability, curiosity, and compassion for ourselves and others.  Learn more about the power of BE ME Breaks, and feel it for yourself here. 

Let's make the world a better place—one BE ME Break at a time.



WellBEing Begins With Learning How to BE Well

Let me help you BEcoME Bodywise...


How can cultivating BEingness improve my life?

Career Growth: Clarify your purpose, hone authentic leadership skills, or transition smoothly into new roles. 

Dissolving Limiting Beliefs: Break through self-doubt, fear, and imposter syndrome, unlocking your true potential.

Managing Stress and Preventing Burnout: You'll feel a sense of calm, improved clarity, have sustained energy and greater perspective in high stress situations to keep you resourced to prevent and recover from burnout.

Life Transitions: Navigate al of life's unexpected changes with resilience and clarity, feeling safely grounded, and authentically aligned in the Body, Emotional, Mental, and Essence realms of your BEing.

Improved Relationships: Build a solid foundation for courageous vulnerability, and clear communication of feelings and needs, fostering deep, genuine, healthy, and fulfilling connections with others.

Health and WellBEing: Our nervous system manages every system in our body, breath, blood pressure, digestion, sleep, inflammatory response, hormones, immunity, and of course our mindset. Beingness is homeostasis of the nervous system. It's where all our systems work and we are fundamentally healthy, and have a foundational sense of wellBEing. 

Authenticity and Purpose: Make decisions with confidence, and live a life that feels purposeful and true.

Personal Empowerment: Gain a sense of inner strength and intuition that results in enhanced decision-making, presence, and leadership.

Overcome Anxiety and Healing Trauma: Releasing trauma held in the body, cultivates a sense of safety, emotional resilience, and a deeper connection to your authentic self.

Spiritual Growth:  Embodying BEingness authenctically align and interconnects your body, mind and spirit.. your true Essence.This allows for greater awareness, compassion, and a profound sense of presence because you're living every moment as your true self.

1:1 Coaching

Bodywise Coaching is a body driven, mind shifting, life changing approach. Through embodied micro-practices, I empower my clients to feel safe, connected, and in alignment with their true self so they can "BE ME". 

The foundation of this journey is learning to embody Authentic Alignment. This is so much more than posture. Aligning your gut heart and head on the same team rewires your nervous system, and shifts your mindset, creating a sense of safety, presence, and connection to the core of your BEing. 

This work can help anyone, whether you’re looking to feel more empowered in your own journey, be a more effective leader, make deeper connections, or learn skills to overcome anxiety, depression, and let go of held trauma in the body. I wholeheartedly believe you have the power within ourselves to heal, and cultivate change, empowering you to LIVE and THRIVE at your highest potential. 

Connection, safety, and consistency are critical foundations to shifting the nervous system, this is why I work with clients in 3, 6, and 12 month programs. When we agree to work together it's a partnership in healing. Our sessions are 1 hour, but I'm available to text, or call between sessions for support or to celebrate a win! I only take on 15 clients at a time. 

My approach integrates physical THERAPY including hands on release work when in person, and self-release practices when online to unwind chronic systemic holding related to physical, mental, or emotional trauma.  

Click the link to learn more in depth about how coaching with Megan can help you create the changes you're craving in your life. 

Online Course

The Art and Science of BEing ME    


This is a 12 week journey to BEcoME Bodywise. 

Join me for this body driven - mind shifting self-guided series designed to strengthen body-mind holism through mindful, self-compassionate micro-practices. I'm with you all the way in the weekly live community zoom call. 

You'll feel empowered with a simple, yet clear and compassionate understanding of your nervous system as the foundation of your feelings, sensations, behaviors and experiences. The next step is learning physical micro-practices to align your body, and settle/shift your nervous system. These 1-2 minute BE ME breaks are super powerful, and will integrate seamlessly into your day. Throughout the course, you'll notice yourself BEing progressively more safe in your body, calm in your mind, expansive in your heart, connected to and trusting your gut instincts, and in alignment with your true self so you can "BE ME"! 

BEing is hoME base for everything we "do"

Becoming Bodywise is like mindfulness meditation with a super charger! Why? Because you're literally aligning and integrating gut, heart, and head; getting the entire "ME" in sync using body language to re-write your story, and re-wire your nervous system. Learning to Become Bodywise is a game changer and can help you LIVE and THRIVE at your highest potential.


8 week in-studio class series  

The Art and Science of BEing ME

Calling all Portlanders seeking a transformative journey of growth, deeper connection to self, and trauma healing. Join me for this 8 week in-person class series. Our focus is on cultivating safety and resiliency in your nervous system, and releasing stored trauma from your body so you can BE your true self, and thrive in every aspect of your life.

Each week you will learn a variety of practices that tap the wisdom and power of your body to re-wire your nervous system, releasing chronic pain, tension, and holding patterns related to embodied physical, mental and emotional trauma.

You’ll feel empowered to re-write your story from one of stress, anxiety, poor sleep, physical pain, digestive issues, auto-immune disorders, or addiction, to one of feeling safe, grounded, connected, calm, strong, pain free, present, energized, and alive.

Whether you’re looking to feel more clear, connected, and empowered in your own journey, create deeper interpersonal connections, or become a more effective and authentic leader, your body holds the key to thriving at your highest potential. 

it's core work for your soul

Hear from Clients who have

BEcoME Bodywise 

"Megan has been the most insightful, perceptive, gracious and effective coach/healer/therapist I have worked with. She has helped me transform my body/mind relationship, calm my nerves through development of new skill sets, and helped me untangle the places in my life where I have felt stuck. She has all the tools to help one become stronger, at peace, and the best, most clear-headed version of themself. For me, the process with her has eclipsed anything that talk therapy and personal coaching could ever achieve. Megan is a gift to the world."


"I feel like I am living my life as my true self for the first time." -B. R.



"Megan works at the highest level of mastery, effortlessly combining healing touch, wisdom, and intuition.-C. R.

"I feel happier than I have in a very long time. Thank you!-R.W.



"Over the past 6 months I have mentally, and physically come out of the dark. I have never encountered a healer with such depth of knowledge, and nurturing demeanor.  Megan truly is the best!-B. D.


"I can’t begin to tell you how much you've helped me… I read Bessel Vander Kolk, I had a ton of therapy, I had a yoga practice…but it didn’t gel until I started seeing you for TRE….it was like a story where all the words are on the page but they don’t make helped me make sense of my story, and re-write it to be ok with ME, and heal.-P.R.

"Megan’s work is transformative, and her attention to detail is unparalleled. She helped me release stuck emotional energy, and subconscious stress from the body. I cannot recommend Megan highly enough.-J.K.


"As a client who came to Megan struggling with both chronic pain and PTSD, I can attest that she has every capacity to support and promote healing for her clients.  She skillfully weaves listening, teaching, hands-on work, guidance, and feedback to empower clients to integrate new techniques to achieve their best health, from physical to psychological to spiritual.  Megan is both a kind, and a fierce advocate for her client's wellbeing, and I cannot recommend working with her strongly enough.  You will be glad you did."




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